2023 | |
1. | Ecker, András ; Lázár, Bence ; Tóth, Roland Imre ; Urbán, Martin ; Tokodyné Szabadi, Nikolett ; Salinas Aponte, Maria Teresa ; Adnan, Mohd ; Várkonyi, Eszter ; Gócza, Elen
LIFE-BASEL 13 : 4 p. 867 (2023) Scientific |
2. | Blesbois, Elisabeth ; Purdy, Phil ; Gonçalves Souza-Fabjan, Maria Joanna ; Liptói, Krisztina ; McGrew, Michael ; Mermillod, Pascal ; Parnpai, Rangsun ; Rajamohan, Arun ; Santiago-Moreno, Julián ; Somfai, Tamás
Section 6: Collection and cryopreservation of germplasm and tissues In: Boes, J.; Boettcher, P.; Honkatukia, M (eds.) Innovations in cryoconservation of animal genetic resources : Practical guide Roma, Italy : FAO (2023) 332 p. pp. 105-157. , 53 p. Scientific |
3. | Liptói, Krisztina ; Rajamohan, Arun ; Purdy, Phil
Guidelines for gonadic and peri-gonadic tissue cryopreservation In: Boes, J.; Boettcher, P.; Honkatukia, M (eds.) Innovations in cryoconservation of animal genetic resources : Practical guide Roma, Italy : FAO (2023) 332 p. pp. 285-289. , 5 p. Scientific |
4. | Purdy, Phil ; Blesbois, Elisabeth ; Bailey, Janice ; Woelders, Henri ; Liptói, Krisztina ; Loi, Pasqualino ; McGrew, Michael ; Parnpai, Rangsun ; Patakiné Várkonyi, Eszter ; Rajamohan, Arun et al.
SECTION 3: Choice of biological material to be preserved In: Boes, J.; Boettcher, P.; Honkatukia, M (eds.) Innovations in cryoconservation of animal genetic resources : Practical guide Roma, Italy : FAO (2023) 332 p. pp. 41-67. Paper: https://doi.org/10.4060/cc3078en , 26 p. Scientific |
2022 | |
1. | Al Fatle, Fatema Ali ; Meleg, Erika Edviné ; Sallai, Zoltán ; Szabó, Gergely ; Várkonyi, Eszter ; Urbányi, Béla ; Kovács, Balázs ; Molnár, Tamás ✉ ; Lehoczky, István ✉
DIVERSITY-BASEL 14 : 5 Paper: 336 , 16 p. (2022) Scientific |
2. | Lázár, Bence ; Szabadi, Nikolett Tokodyné* ; Anand, Mahek ; Tóth, Roland ; Ecker, András ; Urbán, Martin ; Aponte, Maria Teresa Salinas ; Stepanova, Ganna ; Hegyi, Zoltán ; Homolya, László et al.
GENES 13 : 1 Paper: 82 , 16 p. (2022) DOI WoS Scopus PubMed Egyéb URL Scientific |
3. | Varga, László ; Edviné, Erika Meleg ; Hudák, Péter ; Anton, István ; Pálinkás-Bodzsár, Nóra ; Zsolnai, Attila ✉
GENES 13 : 11 Paper: genes13112022 , 18 p. (2022) Scientific |
4. | Végi, Barbara ; Drobnyák, Árpád ; Bányász, Ádám ; Szabó, Zsuzsa ; Török, Éva ; Barna, Judit
REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS 57 : S4 Paper: P(St)41 (2022) Scientific |
2021 | |
1. | Tóth, Roland ; Tokodyné Szabadi, Nikolett ; Lázár, Bence ; Buda, Kitti ; Végi, Barbara ; Barna, Judit ; Patakiné Várkonyi, Eszter ; Liptói, Krisztina ; Pain, Bertrand ; Gócza, Elen ✉
Effect of Post-Hatch Heat-Treatment in Heat-Stressed Transylvanian Naked Neck Chicken ANIMALS 11 : 6 Paper: 1575 , 13 p. (2021) Scientific |
2. | Lázár, Bence ; Molnár, Mariann ; Sztán, Nikoletta ; Végi, Barbara ; Drobnyák, Árpád ; Tóth, Roland ; Szabadi, Nikolett Tokodyné ; McGrew, Michael J. ; Gócza, Elen ; Várkonyi, Eszter Patakiné
POULTRY SCIENCE 100 : 8 p. 101207 Paper: 101207 (2021) Scientific |
3. | Molnár, Tamás ✉ ; Lehoczky, István* ✉ ; Edviné Meleg, Erika ; Boros, Gergely ; Specziár, András ; Mozsár, Attila ; Vitál, Zoltán ; Józsa, Vilmos ; Allele, Wahiba ; Urbányi, Béla et al.
ANIMALS 11 : 7 Paper: 2018 , 13 p. (2021) Scientific |
4. | Kútvölgyi, Gabriella ✉ ; Brabender, Kristin ; Andersson, Magnus ; Javkhlan, Ariuntungalag ; Nagy, Szabolcs ; Páble, Tamás ; Egerszegi, István ; Hidas, András ; Soós, István ; Kovács, András
Andrological and cytogenetic investigations of an infertile Przewalski’s stallion ACTA VETERINARIA HUNGARICA 69 : 2 pp. 189-193. , 5 p. (2021) Scientific |
5. | Mariann, Molnár ; Bence, Lázár ; Nikoletta, Sztán ; Barbara, Végi ; Árpád, Drobnyák ; Elen, Gócza ; Michael, McGrew ; Eszter, Patakiné Várkonyi
(2021) 46 p. pp. 20-20. Paper: P4. , 1 p. Locked Scientific |
6. | András, Ecker ; Bence, Lázár ; Roland, Tóth ; Martin, Urbán ; Nikolett, Tokodyné Szabadi ; Eszter, Patakiné Várkonyi ; Elen, Gócza
The effects of serum-containing and serum-free media on chicken PGCs. (2021) 46 p. pp. 34-34. Paper: P45. , 1 p. Locked Scientific |
7. | Nikoletta, Sztán ; Bence, Lázár ; Mariann, Molnár ; Krisztina, Liptói ; Eszter, Patakiné Várkonyi
(2021) 46 p. pp. 20-20. Paper: P5. , 1 p. Scientific |
8. | Lázár, Bence ; Szabadi, Nikolett Tokodyné* ; Anand, Mahek ; Tóth, Roland ; Ecker, András ; Urbán, Martin ; Aponte, Maria Teresa Salinas ; Stepanova, Ganna ; Hegyi, Zoltán ; Homolya, László et al.
GENES 13 : 1 Paper: 82 , 16 p. (2022) DOI WoS Scopus PubMed Egyéb URL Scientific |
9. | Nikolett, Tokodyné Szabadi ; Mahek, Anand ; Ganna, Stepanova ; Bence, Lázár ; Roland, Tóth ; András, Ecker ; Martin, Urbán ; Krisztina, Sima ; Tamara, Kepler ; Zoltán, Hegyi et al.
Effect of mir-302B microRNA inhibition on chicken PCG prolif- eration and apoptosis rate Bp, Hungary : MAGE (2021) 46 p. pp. 16-17. , 2 p. Scientific |
10. | Jenő, Káldy ✉ ; Eszter, Patakiné Várkonyi* ; Georgina, Lea Fazekas ; Zoltán, Nagy ; Zsuzsanna, J. Sándor ; Katalin, Bogár ; Gyula, Kovács ; Mariann, Molnár ; Bence, Lázár ; Katalin, Goda et al.
LIFE-BASEL 11 : 12 Paper: 1296 , 11 p. (2021) Scientific |
11. | Barbara, Végi ; Enikő, Bíró ; Dénes, Grózner ; Árpád, Drobnyák ; Zsuzsa, Kreizinger ; Miklós, Gyuranecz ; Judit, Barna
AVIAN PATHOLOGY 50 : 6 pp. 458-464. , 7 p. (2021) DOI WoS Scopus PubMed Egyéb URL Scientific |
2020 | |
1. | Nora Palinkas-Bodzsar, Nikoletta Sztan, Tamas Molnar, Andras Hidas
Gene conservation of six Hungarian local chicken breeds maintained in small populations over time |
2. | István, Lehoczky ; Ildikó, Benedek ; Balázs, Kovács ; Attila, Zsolnai ; Tamás, Molnár
Genetic consequences of pond production of a natural pikeperch Sander Lucioperca population (2020) , 1 p. |
3. | Molnár, Tamás ✉ ; Benedek, Ildikó ; Kovács, Balázs ; Zsolnai, Attila ; Lehoczky, István
PEERJ 8 Paper: e8745 , 23 p. (2020) |
4. | Liptoi, K. ; Buda, K. ; Rohn, E. ; Drobnyak, A. ; Edvine Meleg, E. ; Palinkas-Bodzsár, N. ; Vegi, B. ; Barna, J.
ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE 213 Paper: 106280 (2020)
5. | Káldy, Jenő ✉ ; Mozsár, Attila* ✉ ; Fazekas, Gyöngyvér ; Farkas, Móni ; Fazekas, Dorottya Lilla ; Fazekas, Georgina Lea ; Goda, Katalin ; Gyöngy, Zsuzsanna ; Kovács, Balázs ; Semmens, Kenneth et al.
GENES 11 : 7 Paper: 753 (2020) Scientific |
2019 | |
1. | Indigenous Hungarian chicken breeds as universal recipients for primordial germ cell-based gene conservation
R. I. Tóth, B. Lázár, N. Tokodyné Szabadi, E. Patakiné Várkonyi, E. Gócza |
2. | Technical difficulties in gonadal tissue removal of newly hatched chicken in gene preservation practice
K. Buda, E. Rohn, J. Barna, K. Liptói |
3. | Investigation of the Guinea fowl and domestic fowl hybrids as potential surrogate hosts for avian cryopreservation programmes
Mariann Molnár, Bence Lázár, Nikoletta Sztán, Barbara Végi, Árpád Drobnyák, Roland Tóth, Krisztina Liptói, Miklós Marosán, Elen Gócza, Sunil Nandi, Michael J. McGrew & Eszter Patakiné Várkonyi |
4. | Éva, Váradi ; Árpád, Drobnyák ; Barbara, Végi ; Krisztina, Liptói ; Csaba, Kiss (Kollaborációs közreműködő) ; Judit, Barna
5. | Drobnyak, A. ; Phuong, T.N. Lan ; Heincinger, M. ; Kustos, K. ; Almasi, A. ; Szalay, I.T. ; Bodi, L. ; Szabo, R.T. ; Weber, M.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POULTRY SCIENCE 18 : 6 pp. 249-254. , 7 p. (2019) |
6. | Kánainé Sipos, Dóra ; Gyula, Kovács ; Buza, Eszter ; Csenki-Bakos, Katalin ; Ősz, Ágnes ; Ljubobratović, Uroš ; Cserveni-Szücs, Réka ; Bercsényi, Miklós ; Lehoczky, István ; Urbányi, Béla et al.
Comparative genetic analysis of natural and farmed populations of pike-perch (Sander lucioperca) AQUACULTURE INTERNATIONAL 27 : 4 pp. 991-1007. , 17 p. (2019) |
7. | Vignal, Alain ; Boitard, Simon ; Thébault, Noémie ; Dayo, Guiguigbaza‐Kossigan ; Yapi‐Gnaore, Valentine ; Youssao Abdou Karim, Issaka ; Berthouly‐Salazar, Cécile ; Pálinkás‐Bodzsár, Nóra ; Guémené, Daniel ; Thibaud‐Nissen, Francoise et al.
MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES 19 : 4 pp. 997-1014. , 18 p. (2019) |
8. | Thieu, Ngoc Lan Phuong
Wittmann Antal Növény-, Állat- és Élelmiszer-tudományi Multidiszciplináris Doktori Iskola, Kovácsné Gaál Katalin Állattenyésztés Szalay István Állattenyésztés, génmegőrzés, ökológiai gazdálkodás Disszertáció benyújtásának éve: 2018, Védés éve: 2019 Megjelenés/Fokozatszerzés éve: 2019 |
9. | Eiben, Cs ; Sándor, M ; Sándor, F ; Mohaupt, M ; Kustos, K
Az anya-alom elkülönítés és fényprogram hatása az anyanyulak termelésére ANIMAL WELFARE ETOLÓGIA ÉS TARTÁSTECHNOLÓGIA / ANIMAL WELFARE ETHOLOGY AND HOUSING SYSTEMS 15 : 1 pp. 9-17. , 9 p. (2019) Number of cited publications: 3 |
2018 | |
1. | Mariann Molnár
2018 |
2. | Anand, Mahek ; Lazar, Bence ; Toth, Roland ; Pall, Emoke ; Patakine, Varkonyi Eszter ; Liptoi, Krisztina ; Homolya, Laszlo ; Hegyi, Zoltan ; Hidas, Andras ; Gocza, Elen
ACTA VETERINARIA HUNGARICA 66 : 4 pp. 518-529. , 12 p. (2018) |
3. | Bence, Lázár ; Anand, Mahek ; Roland, Tóth ; Eszter, Patakiné Várkonyi ; Krisztina, Liptói ; Elen, Gócza
Comparison of the MicroRNA Expression Profiles of Male and Female Avian Primordial Germ Cell Lines STEM CELLS INTERNATIONAL 2018 Paper: 1780679 , 17 p. (2018) |
4. | Al, Fatle Fatema Ali ; Quynh, Nguyen Thi ; Edviné, Meleg Erika ; Molnár, Tamás Gergely ; Kovács, Balázs ; Kánainé, Sipos Dóra ; István, Lehoczky
In: XLII. Halászati Tudományos Tanácskozás (2018) pp. 47-47. , 1 p. |
2017 | |
1. | Nikoletta, Sztán ; Bence, Lázár ; Nóra, Bodzsár ; Barbara, Végi ; Krisztina, Liptói ; Bertrand, Pain ; Eszter, Patakiné Várkonyi
REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT 29 : 11 pp. 2206-2216. , 11 p. (2017) |
2. | Vitál, Z ; Józsa, V ; Specziár, A ; Mozsár, A ; Lehoczky, I ; Kovács, B ; Hliwa, P ; Boros, G
INLAND WATERS 7 : 2 pp. 218-226. , 9 p. (2017) |
3. | Dong, Xuan KDT ; Lan, Phuong TN ; Tien, PD ; Thu, PTM ; Khiem, NQ ; Nhung, DT ; Muoi, NT ; Oanh, NTK ; Thanh, PTK ; Szalay, IT
ANIMAL PRODUCTION SCIENCE 57 : 5 pp. 975-980. , 6 p. (2017) |
4. | Kitti, Buda
Gonadal tissue transplantation of day-old chicken for gene conservation purpose National Conference of Student Scientific Association Agricultural Sciences Section, 5-7 April, 2017, Szechenyi University, Mosonmagyarorvar, Hungary |
2016 | |
1. | Mahek, Anand ; Roland, Tóth ; Alayu, Kidane ; Alexandra, Nagy ; Bence, Lázár ; Eszter, Patakiné Várkonyi ; Krisztina, Liptói ; Elen, Gócza
2. | Lan, Phuong TN ; Bódi, L ; Dau, NT ; Thuy, Linh N ; Thanh, My N ; Minh, Thu PT ; Dong, Xuan KDT ; Szalay, I
3. | Szalay, IT ; Lan, Phuong TN ; Barta, I ; Bódi, L ; Emődi, A ; Szentes, KA ; Dong, Xuan KDT
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POULTRY SCIENCE 15 : 11 pp. 442-447. , 6 p. (2016) |
4. | Szalay, IT ; Lan, Phuong TN ; Barta, I ; Kovacs, JN ; Dong, Xuan KDT ; Bodi, L ; Mihok, S ; Benk, A ; Kovacsne, Gaal K
EUROPEAN POULTRY SCIENCE 80 Paper: 10.1399/eps.2016.132 , 14 p. (2016) |
5. | Eiben, Cs ; Sándor, M ; Sándor, F ; Kustos, K
Effect of photostimulation, light source and season on reproductive performance of rabbit does. In: Yinghe, Qin; Fuchang, Li; Thierry, Gidenne (szerk.) Proceedings of the 11th World Rabbit Congress Beijing, Kína (2016) pp. 189-192. , 4 p. |
6. | Lanszki, J ; Lehoczky, I ; Kotze, A ; Somers, MJ
PEERJ 4 : 8 Paper: e2266 , 19 p. (2016) |
7. | Szalay, IT ; Lan, Phuong TN ; Ferencz, TR ; Dong, Xuan KDT ; Kustos, K ; Kovacsne, Gaal K
JOURNAL OF APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH 25 : 2 pp. 139-144. , 6 p. (2016) |
8. | Szabó, Rubina Tünde ; Mézes, Miklós ; Szalai, Tamás ; Zajácz, Edit ; Kovács-Weber, Mária
Colour identification of honey and methodical development of its instrumental measuring COLUMELLA: JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 3 : 1 pp. 29-36. , 8 p. (2016) |
9. | Veress, A ; Kőműves, J ; Wilk, T ; Zajácz, E ; Kerényi, Z ; Kocsis, R ; Olasz, F ; Papp, P
Analysis of bacteria isolated from honeybee stomach. NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY 33 pp. S175-S176. , 2 p. (2016) |
2015 | |
1. | Drobnyák, Á ; Heincinger, M ; Kustos, K ; Szalay, I ; Bódi, L ; Szabó, R ; Lan, Phuong TN ; Weber, M
In: Szalay, István; Kisné, Do thi Dong Xuan (szerk.) AGROBIODIVERSITY PROTECTION AND RESEARCH CONFERENCE : 8th Hungarian-Vietnamese Symposium Gödöllő, Magyarország : Haszonállat-génmegőrzési Központ, (2015) p. 8 |
2. | Eiben, Cs ; Sándor, M ; Sándor, F ; Tokai, A ; Kustos, K
Effect of different GnRH analogue treatments on the performance of lactating rabbits WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE 23 : 1 pp. 64-65. , 2 p. (2015) DOI ISBN: 9786074225945 |
3. | Eiben, Cs ; Sándor, M ; Sándor, F ; Tokai, A ; Kustos, K
Effect of different GnRH analogue treatments on the performance of lactating rabbits WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE 23 : 1 pp. 48-48. , 1 p. (2015) DOI ISBN: 9789639821712 |
4. | Boros, G ; Vitál, Z ; Mozsár, A ; Borics, G ; Görgényi, J ; Józsa, V ; G, -Tóth L ; Lehoczky, I ; Kovács, B ; Vasas, G et al.
Ecological impacts of filter-feeding Asian carps (Hypophthalmichthys spp.) in Lake Balaton, Hungary In: XV European Congress of Ichthyology : Abstract Book (2015) Paper: 00019 |
5. | Lehoczky, I ; Dalton, D L ; Lanszki, J ; Sallai, Z ; Madisha, M T ; Nupen, L J ; Kotzé, A
Assessment of population structure in Hungarian otter populations JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY 96 : 6 pp. 1275-1283. , 9 p. (2015) |
6. | Kisne, Do thi Dong Xuan ; Istvan, Szalay ; Phung, Duc Tien ; Pham, Thi Minh Thu ; Thieu, Ngoc Lan Phuong
Production Studies of a Guinea Fowl Variety of Hungarian Origin in the Tropical Regions of Vietnam ATHENS JOURNAL OF SCIENCES 2 : 3 pp. 203-211. , 9 p. (2015) |
7. | Lan, Phuong TN ; Dau, NT ; Thuy, Linh N ; Thanh, My N ; Minh, Thu PT ; Dong, Xuan KDT ; Szalay, I
In: Szalay, István; Kisné, Do thi Dong Xuan (szerk.) AGROBIODIVERSITY PROTECTION AND RESEARCH CONFERENCE : 8th Hungarian-Vietnamese Symposium Gödöllő, Magyarország : Haszonállat-génmegőrzési Központ, (2015) p. 7 |
Traditions and local use of native Vietnamese chicken breeds in sustainable rural farming WORLDS POULTRY SCIENCE JOURNAL 71 : 02 pp. 385-396. , 12 p. (2015) |
9. | Weber, M ; Szabó, R T ; Ray, K ; Drobnyák, Á ; Bukovics, Cs ; Podmaniczky, B ; Heincinger, M
Eggshell quality: comparing two measuring methods WORLDS POULTRY SCIENCE JOURNAL 71 : 1 p. 133 (2015) |
10. | Szabó, R T ; Erdélyi, M ; Drobnyák, Á ; Körözsi, V ; Balogh, K ; Mézes, M ; Weber, M
The effect of thyme and rosemary supplement on roast goose meat quality WORLDS POULTRY SCIENCE JOURNAL 71 : 1 pp. 170-170. , 1 p. (2015) |
11. | Drobnyák, Á ; Erdélyi, M ; Mézes, M ; Szabó, R T ; Szöllősiné, Bende R ; Horvainé, Szabó M ; Weber, M
The effect of oregano supplement on turkey meat quality, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status WORLDS POULTRY SCIENCE JOURNAL 71 : Suppl 1 p. 171 (2015) |
2014 | |
1. | TN, Lan Phuong ; I, Barta ; L, Bódi ; KDT, Dong Xuan ; JN, Kovács ; TR, Ferencz ; Szalay, IT
Egg production profiles of seven traditional Hungarian chicken breeds EUROPEAN POULTRY SCIENCE 78 Paper: 10.1399/eps.2014.69 , 9 p. (2014) |
2. | Eiben, Cs ; Sándor, M ; Sándor, F ; Tokai, A ; Kustos, K
Effect of different GnRH analogue treatments on the performance of lactating rabbits In: 5th American Rabbit Congress (2014) pp. 187-196. , 10 p. |
3. | Eiben, Cs ; Gódor, S-né ; Kustos, K ; Gippert, T ; Maró, A ; Tóth, T
Effect of diets with different composition and nutritive value on rabbit does’ production WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE 22 : 3 pp. 250-251. , 2 p. (2014) |
4. | Dong, Xuan KDT ; Szalay, I ; Phuong, TNL
Adaptation of Hungarian Guinea Fowl to Tropical Underprivileged Regions of South-Vietnam In: Gregory, T Papanikos (szerk.) 7th Annual International Symposium on Agriculture Athens, Görögország : Atiner, (2014) p. 49 |
5. | Kisne, Do thi Dong Xuan ; Istvan, Szalay ; Phung, Duc Tien ; Pham, Thi Minh Thu ; Thieu, Ngoc Lan Phuong
Production Studies of a Guinea Fowl Variety of Hungarian Origin in the Tropical Regions of Vietnam In: ATINER’S CONFERENCE PAPER SERIES (2014) pp. 3-10. , 8 p. |
2013 | |
1. | Liptoi, K ; Horvath, G ; Gal, J ; Varadi, E ; Barna, J
ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE 141 : 1-2 pp. 86-89. , 4 p. (2013) |
2. | Váradi, É ; Végi, B ; Liptói, K ; Barna, J
Methods for Cryopreservation of Guinea Fowl Sperm PLOS ONE 8 : 4 p. e62759 (2013) |
3. | Eiben, Cs ; Gódor-Surmann, K ; Kustos, K
LIVESTOCK SCIENCE 155 : 1 pp. 148-156. , 9 p. (2013) |
2012 | |
1. | Péter, Tóth ; László, Bódi ; Katalin, Maros ; Endre, Szűcs ; Janbaz, Janan
Blood corticosterone levels in growing geese around feather gathering ACTA VETERINARIA HUNGARICA 60 : 4 pp. 477-487. , 11 p. (2012) |
2. | Eiben, Cs ; Gódor-Surmann, K ; Kustos, K ; Maró, A ; Vörös, G ; Gippert, T
Alternative feed ingredients and their effect on the production of growing rabbits. In: Proceeding of 10th World Rabbit Congress (2012) pp. 559-562. , 4 p. |
3. | Eszter, Patakiné Várkonyi ; Gabriella, Horváth ; Nikoletta, Sztán ; Éva, Váradi ; Judit, Barna
Vitrification of Early Avian Blastodermal Cells with a New Type of Cryocontainer ACTA VETERINARIA HUNGARICA 60 : 4 pp. 501-509. , 9 p. (2012) |
2011 | |
1. | Eiben, Cs ; Végi, B ; Virág, Gy ; Gódor-Surmann, K ; Kustos, K ; K, Maró A ; Odermatt, M ; Zsédely, E ; Tóth, T ; Schmidt, J et al.
LIVESTOCK SCIENCE 139 : 3 pp. 196-205. , 10 p. (2011) |
2010 | |
1. | Eiben, Cs ; Végi, B ; Virág, Gy ; Gódor-Surmann, K ; Maró, A ; Odermatt, M ; Zsédely, E ; Tóth, T ; Schmidt, J
LIVESTOCK SCIENCE 131 pp. 15-22. , 8 p. (2010) |
2. | Virág, Gy ; Tóth, T ; Schmidt, J ; Zsédely, E ; Eiben, C
3. | Lanszki, József ; Hidas, A ; Szentes, K ; Révay, T ; Lehoczky, I ; Jeney, Zs ; Weiss, S
Genetic structure of otter (Lutra lutra) populations from two fishpond systems in Hungary MAMMALIAN BIOLOGY 75 : 5 pp. 447-450. , 4 p. (2010) |
4. | Revay, T ; Bodzsar, N ; Mobegi, VE ; Hanotte, O ; Hidas, A
Origin of Hungarian indigenous chicken breeds inferred from mitochondrial DNA D-loop sequences ANIMAL GENETICS 41 : 5 pp. 548-550. , 3 p. (2010) |
5. | Revay, T ; Kopp, C ; Flyckt, A ; Taponen, J ; Ijas, R ; Nagy, S ; Kovacs, A ; Rens, W ; Rath, D ; Hidas, A et al.
Diploid spermatozoa caused by failure of the second meiotic division in a bull THERIOGENOLOGY 73 pp. 421-428. , 8 p. (2010) |
2009 | |
1. | Szalay, I T ; Kisné, Do thi Dong Xuan ; Virág, Gy ; Szentes, K Á ; Bódi, L
Prospects for conserving traditional poultry breeds of the Carpathian basin ANIMAL WELFARE ETOLÓGIA ÉS TARTÁSTECHNOLÓGIA / ANIMAL WELFARE ETHOLOGY AND HOUSING SYSTEMS 5 : 2 pp. 119-148. , 30 p. (2009) |
2. | Bodzsar, N ; Eding, H ; Revay, T ; Hidas, A ; Weigend, S
Genetic diversity of Hungarian indigenous chicken breeds based on microsatellite markers ANIMAL GENETICS 40 : 4 pp. 516-523. , 8 p. (2009) |
2008 | |
1. | Eiben, C ; Bonanno, A ; Godor-Surmann, K ; Kustos, K
Effect of controlled nursing with one-day fasting on rabbit doe performance LIVESTOCK SCIENCE 118 : 1-2 pp. 82-91. , 10 p. (2008) |
2. | Virág, Gy ; Eiben, Cs ; Tóth, T ; Schmidt, J
(2008) pp. 1467-1471. , 5 p. |
3. | Ducos, A ; Revay, T ; Kovacs, A ; Hidas, A ; Pinton, A ; Bonnet-Garnier, A ; Molteni, L ; Slota, E ; Switonski, M ; Arruga, MV et al.
Cytogenetic screening of livestock populations in Europe: an overview CYTOGENETIC AND GENOME RESEARCH 120 pp. 26-41. , 16 p. (2008) |
4. | Lanszki, József ; Hidas, A ; Szentes, K ; Révay, I ; Lehoczky, I ; Weiss, S
MAMMALIAN BIOLOGY 73 pp. 40-47. , 8 p. (2008) |
5. | Zajácz, E ; Szalai, T ; Mészáros, G
2007 | |
1. | Eiben, C ; Tobias, G ; Kustos, K ; Godor-Surmann, K ; Kotany, S ; Gulyas, B ; Szira, G
The change of nursing for oestrus induction (biostimulation): Effect of contact between rabbit doe and its young LIVESTOCK SCIENCE 111 : 3 pp. 193-203. , 11 p. (2007) DOI WoS ScienceDirect |
2. | Patakiné Várkonyi, E. ; Tóth, B.
In: E, Pisano; C Ozouf-Costaz; F Foresti; BG Kapor (szerk.) Fish Cytogenetics Enfield (NH), Amerikai Egyesült Államok : Science Publishers Inc., (2007) pp. 241-258. , 18 p. |
3. | Farkas, Á ; Zajácz, E
Nectar production for the Hungarian honey industry EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLANT SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 1 : 2 pp. 125-151. , 27 p. (2007) |
2006 | |
1. | Liptoi, K ; Hidas, A
Investigation of possible genetic background of early embryonic mortality in poultry WORLDS POULTRY SCIENCE JOURNAL 62 : 2 pp. 326-337. , 12 p. (2006) |
2. | Bódi, L ; K, Do Thi Dong Xuan ; Szalay, I ; Ferencz, T ; Kiss-Pető, T
Relationship between sperm production and behaviour of local Hungarian Goose p. 535 In: EPC 2006 – XII. European Poultry Conference (2006) |
3. | Liptoi, K ; Hidas, A
Investigation of possible genetic background of early embryonic mortality in poultry WORLDS POULTRY SCIENCE JOURNAL 62 : 2 pp. 326-337. , 12 p. (2006) |
4. | Szőke, Zs ; Váradi, É ; Végi, B ; Péczely, P ; Barna, J
WORLDS POULTRY SCIENCE JOURNAL 62 : Supp p. 515 (2006) |
2005 | |
1. | Csatadi, K ; Kustos, K ; Eiben, C ; Bilko, A ; Altbacker, V
Even minimal human contact linked to nursing reduces fear responses toward humans in rabbits APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE 95 : 1-2 pp. 123-128. , 6 p. (2005) |
2. | Miskolczi, E ; Mihálffy, Sz ; Patakiné, Várkonyi E ; Urbányi, B ; Horváth, Á
AQUACULTURE 247 : 1-4 pp. 119-125. , 7 p. (2005) |
3. | Xuan, DTD ; Vegi, B ; Szoke, ZS ; Peczely, P
Seasonal changes in plasma dehydro-epiandrosterone (DHEA) levels of domestic geese ACTA BIOLOGICA HUNGARICA (1983-2018) 56 : 1-2 pp. 11-20. , 10 p. (2005) |
2004 | |
1. | Eiben, Cs ; Kustos, K ; Gódor-Surmann, K ; Theau-Clément, M ; Szendrő, Zs
Effect of change in nursing method on the performance of rabbit does WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE 12 pp. 173-183. , 11 p. (2004) |
2. | Révay, T ; Nagy, Sz ; Kovács, A ; Edvi, ME ; Hidas, A ; Rens, W ; Gustavsson, I
Head area measurements of dead, live, X- and Y-bearing bovine spermatozoa REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT 16 : 7 pp. 681-687. , 7 p. (2004) |
2003 | |
1. | Metzger, Sz ; Kustos, K ; Szendrő, Zs ; Szabó, A ; Eiben, Cs ; Nagy, I
Effect of alternative housing on carcass traits of rabbits AGRICULTURAE CONSPECTUS SCIENTIFICUS 68 : 3 pp. 151-154. , 4 p. (2003) |
2. | Metzger, Sz ; Kustos, K ; Szendrő, Zs ; Szabó, A ; Eiben, Cs ; Nagy, I
The effect of housing system on carcass traits and meat quality of rabbit WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE 11 : 1 pp. 1-11. , 11 p. (2003) |
2002 | |
1. | Kustos, K ; Metzger, Sz ; Szendrő, Zs ; Szabó, A ; Eiben, Cs ; Nagy, I
Carcass traits and meat quality of rabbits reared in cages or pens WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE 10 : 4 pp. 179-179. , 1 p. (2002) |
2001 | |
1. | Eiben, Cs ; Kustos, K ; Kenessey, Á ; Virág, Gy ; Szendrő, Zs
Effect of different feed restrictions during rearing on reproduction performance in rabbit does WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE 9 : 1 pp. 9-14. , 6 p. (2001) |
2. | Lanszki, J ; Thébault, RG ; Allain, D ; Szendrő, Zs ; Eiben, Cs
The effects of melatonin treatment on wool production and hair follicle cycle in angora rabbits ANNALES DE ZOOTECHNIE 50 : 1 pp. 79-89. , 11 p. (2001) |
3. | Fekete, S ; Szakáll, I ; Kósa, E ; Andrásofszky, E ; Fodor, K ; Hidas, A ; Tőzsér, J
Alteration of body composition in rats: effect of organic chromium and l-carnitine. ACTA VETERINARIA HUNGARICA 49 : 4 pp. 385-398. , 14 p. (2001) |
2000 | |
1. | Janan, J ; Bódi, L ; Ágotai, G ; Bárdos, L ; Rudas, P ; Kozák, J ; Karsai, M
Relationships between force-feeding and some physiological parameters in geese bred for fatty liver ACTA VETERINARIA HUNGARICA 48 : 1 pp. 89-97. , 9 p. (2000) |
2. | Bodnár, K ; Szendrő, Zs ; Biró-Németh, E ; Eiben, Cs ; Radnai, I
ARCHIV FÜR TIERZUCHT-ARCHIVES OF ANIMAL BREEDING 43 : 5 pp. 507-512. , 6 p. (2000) |
3. | Eiben, Cs ; Allain, D ; Szendrő, Zs ; Thébault, R G ; Radnai, I ; Biróné, N E ; Lanszki, J
Survey on wool yield in angora rabbits of different genetic background WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE 8/B : Suppl 1 pp. 599-604. , 6 p. (2000) |
4. | Eiben, Cs ; Allain, D ; Szendrő, Zs ; Thébault, R G ; Radnai, I ; Biróné, N E ; Lanszki, J
WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE 8/B : Suppl 1 pp. 607-614. , 8 p. (2000) |
5. | Eiben, Cs ; Allain, D ; Szendrő, Zs ; Thébault, R G ; Radnai, I ; Biróné, N E ; Lanszki, J
Fibre characteristics in normal-haired and angora rabbits as dependent on their genetic background WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE 8/B : suppl 1 pp. 583-590. , 8 p. (2000) |
6. | Eiben, Cs ; Allain, D ; Szendrő, Zs ; Thébault, R G ; Radnai, I ; Biróné, N E ; Lanszki, J
WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE 8/B : Suppl 1 pp. 591-598. , 8 p. (2000) |
7. | Kustos, K ; Eiben, Cs ; Szendrő, Zs ; Theau-Clément, M ; Gódor, Sné ; Jovánczai, Zs
Effect on reproductive traits of male presence among rabbit does before artificial insemination WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE 8/A : Supplement 1 pp. 161-166. , 6 p. (2000) |
8. | Lanszki, J ; Thébault, R G ; Allain, D ; Szendrő, Zs ; Eiben, Cs
The effects of melatonin treatment in angora rabbits WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE 8/B : Suppl 1 pp. 615-621. , 7 p. (2000) |
9. | Lanszki, J ; Thébault, R G ; Allain, D ; Szendrő, Zs ; Eiben, Cs
The effect of melatonin treatment on hair follicle cycle in angora rabbits WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE 8/B : Supplement 1 pp. 623-629. , 7 p. (2000) |
10. | Tóth, B ; Váradi, L ; Hidas, A ; Várkonyi, E
Genetic background of the silver crucian carp’s (Carassius auratus gibelio) adaptibility. In: Aquaculture America 2000, Book of Abstract World Aquaculture Society, (2000) pp. 328-329. , 2 p. |